Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering
Lei Song



Lei Song


Tel: 0086-18866883600





说明: D:\personal\照片\个人\IMG_0547.jpg

Current position

Secretary of the party branch of Department of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering

Director of Department of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering




research field

Ship design and manufacturing technology, Modeling and simulation of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering


2000.09-2004.07   Dalian Ocean University,  Bachelor of  Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering

2004.09-2007.03  Harbin Engineering University, Master of Design and manufacture of marine and marine structures

2007.09-2013.07  Harbin Engineering University, Doctor of Design and manufacture of marine and marine structures

work experience

2006.06-2009.03  Assistant Professor at School of Naval Architecture, Harbin Engineering University

20090.3-2014.12  Lecturer at School of Naval Architecture, Harbin Engineering University

2014.12-2015.07  Lecturer at School of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering, Shandong Jiaotong University

2015.07-present   Professor of School of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering, Shandong Jiaotong University

2017.07-present   Secretary of the party branch of Department of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering,Director of Department of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering

2007.06-2007.11     Italy,   Cooperation with the United Nations Industrial Development (ICS-UNIDO) Group

2013.03.01-2007.03.16  Rotterdam, Netherlands,  STC simulation center,  Reasrch on floating installation master block training facility and training process

2016.03-2017.02     University of Southampton,      School of engineering and environment,  As a visiting scholar in Flow coupling group(FSI)of Academic Unit of Civil Maritime & Env. Eng & Sci

Social position(member)

Reviewer for National Natural Science Fund

Reviewer for《Journal of Shandong Jiaotong University》

A science and technology think-tank experts of Weihai

Reserch project

7 tasks have been hosted since 2015, mainly as follows:

2015.07-2017.07  “ The vision module development of ROV working training equipment”  ¥250000  Crosswise tasks

2015.10-2018.09  “Research on Simulation Technology of Ship Control Simulator Drive Control Equipment” ¥150000  Doctoral startup fund tasks

2017.03-2019.03  “Lifting operation console development” ¥250000

Crosswise tasks

2017.04-2019.04  “Underwater Installation Scenes Underwater Terrain Generation and Rendering” ¥483000  Crosswise tasks

2017.08-2019.12  “Research on Numerical Simulation and Real-time Visualization Method of Gas-liquid Medium Movement in air cushion vehicle” ¥30000  Shandong Natural Science Foundation



Song Lei, Xu Shi-jing, Yuan Li-hao. Three-Dimensional Scene Modeling of Ship Handling Simulator Based on ECT[C]. The 2nd International Conference on Remote Sensing, Environment and Transportation Engineering,RSETE 2012,Vol.5,2012.6:3241-3243P(EI: 20124015481106)

Song Lei, Yuan Li-hao, Dong Zhi-hui.Research on Ship Virtual Reality Model Transformation Method Based on OSG[C].2012 IEEE International Conference on Computer Science and Automation Engineering,CSAE 2012,Vol.1,2012.5: 513-517P(EI:20124115542722)



Song, Lei; Bai, Xiao Long; Yang, Zhuo Yi; Xu, Shi Jing,Simulation and realization of gas and liquid special effect in hovercraft sailing scene, 2013 International Conference on Mechanical and Electronics Engineering, ICMEE 2013, Vol.385-386, 276-280 P (EI: 20134016816733)

Yuan Li-hao, Song Lei, Zheng En, Dong Zhi-hui. Visual simulation research of hovercraft base on EPX-500 IG[C]. The 2nd International Conference on Computer-Aided Deshign, Manufacturing, Modeling and Simulation, CDMMS 2012, Vol.246-247, 2012.9: 1246-1250P(EI:20130515974177)

Yuan Li-hao, Xiong Zhi-xin, Song Lei, Dong Zhi-hui. A simplified method for calculating ultimate strength of pressure hull in deep-sea manned submersible[C]. The 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Structure and Vibration Control 2012, ISVC 2012, Vol.160, 2012.3: 17-24P(EI:20121414916565)

杨卓懿,于宪钊,庞永杰,宋磊.基于多目标优化遗传算法的潜器外形优化设计[J]. 船舶力学,Vol.15,No.6,2011.08:874-880P(EI:20113914370741)


宋磊,杨卓懿,于利民. 英国索伦特大学游艇工程专业本科教学体系研究及启示,时代报告,2017.08


Teaching Courses

Teaching undergraduate courses such as "hull structure", "Principles of Ships", "Principles of Ship Design", "Introduction to Ships and Marine Engineering", etc.

Patents and Applications

Obtained 3 software copyrights and 2 utility model patents.


In 2014 won the second prize of scientific and technological progress in national defense;

In 2015, he won the second prize of Heilongjiang Provincial Defense Science and Technology Progress Award.;

In 2015 won two third prize of Heilongjiang Provincial Science and Technology Award ;

In 2015, he won the second prize of China Shipbuilding Engineering Association.
